Short Posts: Lunar Eclipse Today 

Say Hola! to this mythical event occurring tonight. Its a total lunar eclipse today. Eclipses are symbolic of the famous myth that the Rahu and Ketu have the power to engulf the sun and the moon every once in a while.

Astronomically, Ketu is nothing but a mathematical point opposite to where, every few months, moon is posited such that the earth crosses between sun and moon. And hence due to shadow of earth falling on moon, we witness lunar eclipse. For more details read Myth of Rahu.

Symbolically, rahu and ketu represent the eternal polarities in our life. That we are trying to attain (rahu) and that which we have attained and ready to give up (ketu).

Eclipses are a constant reminders of the power Rahu and Ketu hold over us. However, at the same time they remind us that we don’t need to get scared but to keep going through and finally we can come out of their shadow, just like the sun and moon always manage to do!

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